Creative Studio - Los Angeles, CA


Rachael Ray's Instagram Game Day Filters

Back in January of 2020, before the world came to a halt, we did some adorable Game Day filters (we call them this because the SuperYOUKNOWWHAT is trademarked) that were fun for her fans and also offered up some great “game day” recipes.

The premise was simple. Fans nod their had and on their forehead appears a scoreboard that displays Rachael Ray’s recipe names, because the food (and the commercials) is why we go to any Super Bowl party.

But the best part was that Rachael wanted to introduce these filters using her pup, so we had to make the filter work manually, outside of Facebook’s Spark AR Studio.

This was a very simple, and fairly inexpensive, way to engage your followers with your brand by delighting them. The key was aligning the content with the brand’s inherent value during the big game.

To try the filter in Instagram, follow this link on your phone.

Elaine Chernov